Monday, May 14, 2007

embracing celiac

I have been resisting, ever since even dreaming of starting a blog, the urge to write about having celiac disease and eating gluten and dairy free. There are so many competent bloggers out there writing on the topic, sharing recipes, educating, and raising awareness about the disease and how to cope with it. Why fight to find my voice among the masses?

Maybe it's because I have the day off. Maybe it's because, when I was in Haiti two weeks ago, I found eating difficult. Maybe it's neither of those, and I simply have resigne
d myself to acceptance: two years ago, in April 2005, I was diagnosed with celiac disease. It was the best and worst thing that ever happened to me: in the words of my mom, discovering I could no longer eat "normal" food was "a loss to be mourned." And yet, through the process of relearning how to cook, care and fight for myself, I have discovered a whole new world of amazing food, inspiring role models, and thrilling challenges.

Speaking of role models, I was browsing a few other GF (GF=gluten free!) bloggers: Gluten-Free Girl, A Gluten-Free Guide, Something in Season, when I found a post from I Am Gluten Free on "What to tell your dinner hosts, always in writing". If you're interested in learning a little bit about the finickiness of GF cooking, click here.

I hate being an inconvenience, especially when I'm traveling. I read Ellen's guide for gracious hosts delving into the world of gluten-free cooking and was blown away.
The very first thing she recommends is throwing away old sponges, because gluten likes to hang out on them! Rotten gluten. :) Despite having celiac for two years, I still have so much to learn.

So there you have it. Now that I've broken the ice, recipes will follow from time to time. Just ask my roommates; I get WAY too excited about food. :)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Wow! I read the "dining at a friends house" post and I never quite realized how much effort you have to go through to eat! I knew that it was troublesome from that one time you were at Cedar and I was working in the kitchen and saw Rod cooking special food for you, but I never realized all of the detailed rules that should be followed. I am so amazed by you! The fact that you can live with celiac and still be such a wonderful, positive person.... you are awesome!