Friday, November 16, 2012

day sixteen: three gifts hard eucharisteo

(I'm way behind on these, typing a few up on Tuesday morning (11/20). This one I actually drafted on Friday, and am glad I did - I wouldn't have remembered how hard that day was otherwise! Thank you, Lord, for lessons in being grateful in tough times.)

I had to look up what eucharisteo meant before writing this post; I didn't grab the definition, but found instead an excellent example here:

I don't like hard gratitude, the kind required when things aren't going my way, or as this author puts it, before the gift. It's especially hard to be grateful on days I'm easily angered, days when everything gets on my nerves, days when I doubt I'll ever find something more satisfying and less makes me wonder if I really ever do want kids! :)

#49: thank you, Lord, for a job that reminds me of my insufficiency, daily.
#50: thank you, gracious God, for one particular difficult person, and how you're teaching me to be kind when I don't feel like it.
#51: thank you, God, for keeping me safe on a drive south, and for the company of friends on the phone!

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